Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapy

One often makes a remark and only later sees how true it is.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

I offer two forms of treatment: psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy.

Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy can change chronic and unnecessary suffering – what Freud called neurotic misery. These procedures also uncover fended off wishes, thereby stimulating new developments in the person. Since these developments arise from the unconscious, they often find unexpected and even surprising expressions.

Both psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy are based on a spontaneous expression of our psychic life (free association). This leads to the discovery of important truths about ourselves and our relationships. Even though they determine much of our lives, these truths often remain unconscious.

In treatment, the unconscious aspects of our own suffering and wishes are gradually made conscious. Thereby, they are made available to a new elaboration. Discoveries made in the sessions come alive in relationship to the psychoanalyst. This enables thorough-going psychic change.

Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy establish the necessary conditions for this process. In one or several initial interviews, we jointly determine which setting is appropriate for you.

By opening a new relation to our unconscious, psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy not only can change unnecessary suffering, but also enrich our experience of ourselves and others.